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DK SFL  Writing School

Genre-based, fun, and engaging writing school

2nd Invention Writing Contest Posters (Narrative) (2).png

DK SFL Writing School Sequence

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1. Uncoached Writing

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The students went on a photo walk on Google Jamboard and shared their feelings and opinions to issues such as bullying. Then, the students picked a social issue justice topic as a group that they were all interested in writing. 

DK SFL Writing School Features 

2.Deconstruction of mentor text 

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Students were introduced to elements of opinion writing such as audience and purpose. Students watched videos, looked at posters, and read letters to identify the purpose, audience and reasons. Then, students read the book I Wanna Iguana and filled out a graphic organizer about the organization of the argument in the story. 

DK SFL Writing School Features 

3.Joint construction of text 

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The students examined different types of evidence such as anecdotes, expert opinions, and statistics. Then, students came up with reasons. We looked at evidence together. Lastly, the class wrote a letter to the principal together about why students should use Pop=Its in school 

DK SFL Writing School Features 

4. Group or individual construction of text with group support

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The students filled out a graphic organizer on their in a group with the help of the teacher and co-teachers. The students then wrote arguments together as a class. Each class picked topics that the students were interested in. The topics ranged from toys, games, to food. The classes in these examples wrote about mermaids and Legos! 

DK SFL Writing School Features 

5. Joint revision of text 

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Each student then filled out their own graphic organizer with scaffolding from the teachers. Students used the graphic organizer to separate their paragraphs clearly and get their thoughts together. Then, the class went through each student's work, with other students providing feedback. The class also looked at common errors like forgetting periods, adding linking words, punctuation, and making the subject clear. 

DK SFL Writing School Features 

6. Individual Revision 

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In the last few days of revision, the teachers reviewed many language and grammar conventions. One common error was using dependent clauses, so the classes talked about how to add independent clauses to make dependent clauses complete sentences. The students also used a checklist to make sure they fixed the common mistakes. Finally, the argument essays are ready to be presented! 

DK SFL Writing School Features 

Based on Best Practices 

The DK SFL Writing School after-school program provides high quality focusing on academic language and genre-based writing program by systemic functional linguistic program.  The program is based on genre-based program by Systemic Functional Linguistic (SLA) writing program. The curriculum includes Argument Writing, Narrative Writing, Report/Explanatory Writing, and Procedural Writing. 

Supports English language learners

 Adopting how students will learn based on careful scaffolding. Responding to Common Core Standards, students will be able to fluently write these four genres of writing after completion of the program. The ability and competence will boost students’ overall academic progress greatly. The program is also carefully incorporated into the culturally relevant pedagogy as incorporating various culturally relevant and racial relevant resources and incorporated core concept to the program. Students will be empowered by learning literacy, and reading the world.

Aligns With Common Core Standards

The curriculum aligns with Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts for various genres in writing opinions (see CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.1CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.1), informative texts (See CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.2CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.2), narratives (See CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.3CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.3) required at grade levels 3 and 4. The focus is on the organizational structure and key genre features of these texts, such as opinion and reasons in opinion texts, facts and concrete details in informative texts, and dialogue and event sequence for narratives. Students also learn specific language conventions that are associated with each genre.


Additionally, the curriculum closely follows Common Core general writing standards about the production and distribution of writing. In particular, students produce clear and coherent writing appropriate to task, purpose, and audience (See CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.4CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.4). Students are also supported to plan, revise, and edit writing (See CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.5 and CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.5) through the use of graphic organizers, collaborative classwork, peer feedback, and individual editing. Students mainly use technology to interact and work collaboratively (See CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.6CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.6).  

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